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Top ten deficiencies found during home inspections in 2022

Here are the top ten deficiencies found during home inspections by Evergreen Property Inspectors in 2022. This is a list of the most common deficiencies, most of which are small where a little preventative work can help them from becoming large…
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15 most expensive deficiencies found during a home inspection

The list of the top 15 most expensive deficiencies found during a home inspection in 2022 has been tabulated by the Evergreen Property Inspectors team. This list differs from the most common deficiencies found here in that it takes into account…
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Home Sellers Pre-Listing Inspection

To sell your home for more money, in less time, and with less hassle, take control by having a home sellers pre-listing inspection. One of the largest frustrations during the home buying process comes mid-way through the transaction during…

Continuing Education Lineup for Realtors in 2022

2022 Continuing education lineup announced for Realtors in Easter Missouri and Southern Illinois. 
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Never skip the home inspection

Never skip the home inspection!  We are slowly coming out of a crazy real estate market where a short-term trend surfaced with people forgoing the home inspection and sadly so many are finding out the seriousness of that mistake. Sometimes…
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What causes a sewer line backup?

Having a sewer line backup into the home or business is a costly, nasty experience that damages property and disrupts life.  But what causes a sewer line backup? Your drain lines are out of sight and out of mind for years and then one day…
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Eliminate Sales Funnel Chokepoints

Professional salespeople take a lot of pride in their ability to help clients meet their individual goals and it is frustrating to everyone involved when we hit snags that slow the process down. When we proactively work to eliminate sales funnel…
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Efficient Systems Lead to Success

Fundamentally every business is made up of processing systems and we see time and time again efficient systems lead to success. I know, 'systems and processes' seems like a boring topic. But when you dedicate a little time each week to focus…
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Why the home inspection is important

Evergreen Property Inspectors short video explains why the home inspection is important to the home buying process. Buying a home is one of the largest purchases you will ever make and you want to have a certified professional home inspector…