Commercial Property Inspections
Commercial property inspections tailored to fit your needs.
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When it comes to commercial property inspections, options is what it’s all about! At Evergreen Property Inspectors we have formal training and experience with both the ASTM E2018-24 Property Condition Assessment (PCA) guideline as well as the CCPIA inspection standard so we can tailor the scope of your inspection to fit your needs.
Choosing an inspection standard can play a huge role in the success as well as expense of your project and some lenders require specific inspection guidelines. Call us to talk about your commercial property inspection needs and we can talk through options and tailor services to meet your goals. We perform multiple commercial inspections per month and have wholesale accounts for portfolio managers and franchise owners. We inspect hundreds of commercial buildings each year including; Multifamily, Office, Industrial, Retail, Hotels / Hospitality, Mixed Use Campuses… We know that each client has specific needs. We listen, offer solutions, and create a plan to help you meet your goals.
Learn more about our commercial services including Phase 1 Environmental Assessments at our commercial website.
Consultant Paul Frost ACI, CPI, CMI
Consultant William Frost MBA, ACI, CMI
Qualifications: William Frost participates in the following commercial organizations and has completed the following training/ licensing programs.
Learn more about our commercial services including Phase 1 Environmental Assessments at our Evergreen Commercial Inspection Group website.
Standards and Guides
There are two common commercial inspection formats.
Small to medium commercial property inspections may be best served with the Certified Commercial Property Inspection Association (CCPIA) Standards of Practice. The CCPIA Standards of Practice is geared toward providing information for the new owner and operator. You have the option to include a schedule of immediate and short term repairs. The CCPIA standard involves inspecting the property in more detail. For example the ASTM PCA will document the presence of HVAC units and provide a brief condition assessment. With a CCPIA inspection we open those cabinets when safe and observe the heating components, filters, fans, and compressors.
Large Projects are sometimes better served by the ASTM E2018-24 Property Condition Assessment (PCA) Inspection Guideline with a Property Condition Report (PCR). Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lenders often require this format. ASTM PCA E2018-24 guideline is geared toward documenting the existence and overall condition of the major systems for lenders and investors. The ASTM PCA includes cost estimates for immediate and short term repairs. Choose this option if your lender is requiring a Property Condition Assessment (PCA).
Our certified commercial inspection team coordinates specialty services such as Structural Engineers, Life Safety Specialists, Environmental Assessments, Vertical Transport, Onsite Electrical Generation, HVAC, and other specialties as needed. By pulling in the necessary resources for each product as needed, we can keep our overhead low which results in great value for our clients!
We have worked with a large range of commercial investors and lenders. Real Estate Investment Funds, Banks, Insurance companies, Private Investors, Multi-unit Franchise Owners, and everything in between.
Investors and lenders often have specialty needs and report format requirements and we can easily customize out report to fit your scope of work needs. Read more on our Commercial Property Inspection Blog Post.
Call us to find out why we are the inspection company of choice for many local and national lender and commercial property investors seeking to invest in the Midwest real estate market.
Learn more at the Evergreen Commercial Inspection Group website.